Friday, August 8, 2008

Improved and Reorganized iRegulatory eCTD resource pages

Many of you have probably benefited from the "eCTD Resource Page" in the past. For both previous and new users, there's some good news - the site iRegulatory eCTD resource pages has been updated and expanded.

The site features basic background, links to regualatory agencies, vendors and other eCTD resource pages, and a discussion forum for posting comments or questions. It's a great opportunity for the eCTD community to exchange information, so I encourage you to check it out and post your comments or questions. (But remember I'm still looking for comments and responses to postings on this forum :-( since I haven't received any yet.)

1 comment:

ForeignExchange Translations said...

Thanks for the link - very helpful!

We are looking to setup an event around Europe's upcoming transition to eCTDs. Can you recommend any experts on this topic?
